MATHEMATICS Guessing paper

Guessing paper
B.Sc – Final
(optional )
Paper-3 (Special Theory of relativity)
1. (A) Obtain general and simple Galilean transformation.

(B) Show that Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction hypothesis Implies that there is no fringe shift.


(C) State the two postulates of special relativity Theory.
(D) Obtain the Lorentz transformation equeation.


(A) discuss time dilation in special relativity.
(B) Show that in nature no signal ca move with a Velocity greater than the velocity of light relative to Any inertial system.
(C) Obtain the transformation of particle velocities.
(D) Deduce the Einstein’s velocity addition low from The transformation of particle velocities.

(A) Deduce the transformations for an antisymmetric For tensor Trs.
(B) Prove that two events which are separated by a Time like interval cannot occur simultaneously in Any inertial system.
(C) Define:
(1) Contra variant vector.
(2) Covariant vector.
(3) Time like Interval.
(4) Space like interval.
(5) Light like interval.

(D) Define four tensor Trs and write sixteen Components of Trs in matrix form.


(A) Obtain the mass energy equivalence E=mc2.
(B) Define four velocity and prove that the four velocity Of a particle is a unit time like vector.
(C) Obtain equation of motion for a free particle.
(D) Obtain expression for relativelistic Lagrangion L.

(A) Write he Maxwell’s equation of electromagnetic Theory in vacuum in component form.
(B) Obtain a wave equation for the propagation of The electric field strength E in free space with Velocity C.
(C) Obtain transformations for electric field strength.
(D) Prove that the energy momentum tensor of Electromagnetic field is trace free.

CAT Question Paper -2006

Entrance Examination
Question Paper -2006


1. This test has three sections that examine various abilities. Each section has 25 questions. You will be given two
and half hours to complete the test. In distributing the time over the three sections, please bear in mind
that you need to demonstrate your competence in all three sections.
2. Directions for answering the questions are given before each group of questions. Read these direactions carefully
and answer the questions by darkening the appropriate circles on the Answer sheet. There is only one correct
answer of each question.
3. Each section carries 100 marks. All questions carry four marks each. Each wrong answer will attract a
penalty of one mark.
4. Do your rough work only on the Test Booklet and NOT on the Answer Sheet.
5. Follow the instructions of the invigilator. Candidates found violating the instructions will be disqualified.

Section - I

Section - I has 25 questions.
1 Q. K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,U and W are the only ten members in a department. There is a proposal to from within the members of the department, subject to the following conditions:
1. A team must include exactly one among P,R and S.
2. A team must include either M or Q, but not both.
3. If a team includes K, then it must also include the other two.
4. If a team includes one among S,U and W, then it must also include the other two.
5. L and N cannot be members of the same team.
6. L and U cannot be members of the same team.
The size of a team is defined as the number of members in the team.

5 (5) Who can be a member of a team of size 5 ?

A. K
B. L
C. M
D. P

2 Q. Mathematicans are assigned a number called Erdos number (named after the famous mathematician, Paul Erdos).Only Paul Erdos himself has an Erdos number of Zero. Any mathematician who has written a research paper with Erdos has an Erdos number of 1. For other mathematicians, the calculation of his/her Erdos number is illustrated below :
Suppose that a mathematician X has co-authored papers with several other mathematicians. From among them, mathematician Y has the smallest Erdos number. Let the Erdos number of Y be y. Then X has an Erdos number of y + 1.
Hence any mathematician with no co-authotship chain connected to Erdos has an Erdos number of infinity.
In a seven day long mini-conference organized in memory of Paul Erdos, a close group of eight mathematicians, call them A,B,C,D,E,F,G and H, discussed some research problems. At the beginning of the conference,A was the only participant who had an infinite Erdos number. Nobody had an Erdos number less than that of F.
  • On the third day of the conference F co-authored a paper jointly with A and C. This reduced the average Erdos number of the group of eight mathematicians to 3. The Erdos number of B,D,E,G and H remained uncharged with the writing of this paper. Further, no other co-authorship among any three members would have reduced the average Erdos number of the group of eight to as low as 3.
  • At the end of the third days, five members of this group had identical Erdos numbers distinct from each other.
  • On the fifth day, E co-authored a paper with F which reduced the group's average Erdos number by 0.5. The Erdos numbers of the remaining six were unchanged with the writing of this paper.
  • No other paper was written during the conference.

5 (2) How many participants had the same Erdos number at the beginning of the conference ?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

3 Q. Two traders, Chetan and Michael, were involved in the buying and selling of MCS shares over five trading days. At the beginning of the first day, the MCS share was priced at Rs 100, while at the end of the fifth day it was priced at Rs 110. At the end of each day, the MCS share price either went up by Rs 10, or else, it came down by Rs 10. Both Chetan and Michael took buying and selling decision at the end of each trading day. The beginning price of MCS share on a given day was the same as the ending price of the previous day. Chetan and Michael started with the same number of shares and amount of cash, and had enough of both. Below are some addition facts about how Chetan and Michael traded over the five trading days.
  • Each day if the price went up, Chetan sold 10 shares of MCS at the closing price. On the other hand, each day if the price went down, he bought 10 share at the closing price.
  • If on any day, the closing price was above Rs 110, then Michael sold 10 shares of MCS, while if it was below Rs 90, he bought 10 shares, all at the closing price.

5 (2) What could have been the maximum possible increase in combined cash balance of Chetan and Michael at the end of the fifth day ?

A. Rs 3700
B. Rs 4000
C. Rs 4700
D. Rs 5000

4 Q. Answer Questions 1 to 5 on the basis of the information given below:

A significant amount of traffic flows from point S to point T in the one-way street network shown below. Points A,B,C and D are junctions in the network, and the arrows mark the direction of traffic flow. The fuel cost in rupees for travelling along a street is indicated by the number adjacent to the arrow representing the street.

Motorists travelling from point S to point T would obviously take the route for which the total cost of travelling is the minimum. If two or more routes have the same least travel cost, then motorists are indifferent between them. Hence, the traffic gets evenly distributed among all the least cost routes.
The government can control the flow of traffic only by levying appropriate toll at each junction. For example, if a motorist takes the route S-A-T (using junction A alone), then the total cost of travel would be Rs 14(i.e., Rs 9 +Rs 5) plus the toll charged at junction A.

5 (5) The government wants to devise a toll policy such that the total cost to the commuters per trip is minimized. The policy should also ensure that not more than 70% of the total traffic passes through junction B. The cost incurred by the commuter travelling from point S to T under this policy will be :

A. Rs 7
B. Rs 9
C. Rs 10
D. Rs 13

5 Q. In a Class X Board examination, ten papers are distributed over five Groups -PCB, Mahematics, Social Science, Vernacular and English. Each of the ten papers is evaluated out of 100. The final score of a student is calculated in the following manner. First, the Group Scores are obtained by averaging marks in the papers within the Group. The final score is the simple average of the Group Scores. The data for the top ten students are presented below. (Dipan's score in English Paper II has been intentionally removed in the table.)

Note : B or G against the name of a student respectively indicates whether the student is a boy or a girl.

5 (4) Among the top ten students, how many boys scored at least 95 in at least one paper from each of the groups ?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

Section - II

Section - II has 25 questions.
6 Q. An equilateral triangle BPC is drawn inside a square ABCD. What is the value of the angle APD in degrees ?

A. 75
B. 90
C. 150
D. 120

7 Q. The passage given below is followed by a set of five questions. Choose the most appropriate answer to each question. Fifteen years after communism was officially pronounced dead, its spectre seems once again to be haunting Europe. Last month, the Council of Europe's parliamentary assembly voted to condemn the "crimes of totalitarian communist regimes," linking them with Nazism and complaining that communist parties are still "legal and active in some countries." Now, Goran Lindblad, the conservation Swedish MP behind the resolution, wants to go further. Demands that European Ministers launch a continent-wide anti-communist campaign-including school textbook revisions, official memorial days, and museums-only narrowly missed the necessary two-thirds majority. Mr.Lindblad pledged to bring the wider plans back to the council of Europe in the coming months.

He has chosen a good year for his ideological offensive : this is the 50th anniversary of Nikita Khrushchev's denunciation of Josef Stalin and the subsequent Hungarian uprising, which will doubtless be the cue for further excoriation of the communist record. Paradoxically, given that there is no communist government left in Europe outside Moldova, the attacks have if anything, become more extreme as time has gone on. A clue as to why that might be can be found in the rambling report by Mr.Lindblad that led to be Council of Europe declaration. Blaming class struggle and public ownership, he explained "different elements of communist ideology such as equality or social justic still seduce many" and "a sort of nostalgia for communism is still alive." Perphaps the real problem for Mr.Lindblad and his right wing allies in Eastern Europe is that communism is not dead enough-nd they will only be content when they have driven a stake through its heart. The fashionable attempt to equate communism and Nazism is in reality a moral and historical nonsense. Despite the cruelties of the Stain terror, there was no Soviet Terblinka or Sorbibor, no extermination camps built to murder millions. Nor did the Soviet Union launch the most devastating war in history at a cost of more than 50 million lives-in fact it played the decisive role in the defeat of the German war machine. Mr.Lindblad and the Council of Europe adopt as fact th ewildest estimates of those "killed by communist regimes"(mostly in famines) from the fiercely contested Black Book of communism, which also underplays the number of deaths attributable to Hitler. But, in any case, none of this explains why anyone might be nostalgic in former communist states, now enjoying the delights of capitalist restoration. The dominant account gives no sense of how communist regimes renewed themselves after 1956 or why Western leaders feared they might overtake the capitalist world well into the 1960s. For all its brutalities and failures, communism in the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and elsewhere delivered rapid industrialization, mass education, job security, and huge advances in social and gender equality. Its existence helped to drive up welfare standards in the west, and provided a powerful counterweight to Western global domination.

5 (5) Which of the following cannot be inferred as a compelling reason for the silence of the Council of Europe on colonial atrocities ?

A. The Council of Europe being dominated by erstwhile coloialists.
B. Generating support for condemning communist idology.
C. Unwillingness to antagonize allies by raking up an embarrassing issue
D. Greater value seemingly placed on European lives

8 Q. Each of the following questions has a paragraph from which the last sentence has been deleted. From the given options, choose the one that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way.

10 (5) Age has a curvilinear relationship with the exploitation of opportunity. Initially, age will increase the likelihood that a person will exploit an enterpreneurial opportunity because people gather much of the knowledge necessary to exploit opportunities oner the course of thier lives, and because age provides credibility in transmitting that information to others. However, as people become older, their willingness to bear risks declines, thier opportunity costs rise, and they become less receptive to new information.

A. As a result,people transmit more information rather than experiment with new ideas as they reach an advanced age.
B. As a result,people are reluctant to experiment with new ideas as they reach an advanced age.
C. As a result,only people with lower opportunity costs exploit opportunity when they reach an advanced age.
D. As a result,people become reluctant to expliot entrepreneurial opportunities when they reach an advanced age.

9 Q. Each question has a set of four Sequentialy ordered statements.Each statement can be classified as one of the following: Facts,Which deal with pieces of information that one has heard,seen or read and which are open to discovery or verification(the answer option indicates such a statement with an 'F') Inferences,Which are conclusions drawn about the Unknown,on the basis of the known(the answer option indicates such a statement with an 'I') Judgements,Which are option that imply approval or disapproval of persons,objects,situations and occurrences in the past,the present or the future(the answer option indicates such a statement with a 'J') Select the answer option that best describes the set of four statements

2 (2) (1) Inequitable distribution of all kinds of resources is certainly one of the strongest and most sinister sources of conflict.

(2) Even without war, we know that conflicts continue to trouble us - they only change in character.

(3) Extensive disarmament is the only insurance for our future, imagine the amount of resources that can be released and redeployed.

(4) The economies of the industrialized western world derive 20% of their income from the sale of all kinds of arms.


10 Q.

8 (5) Which of the following situations best represents the idea of justice as fairness, as argued in the passage ?

A. All individuals are paid equally for the work they do.
B. Everyone is assigned some work for his or her livelihood.
C. All acts of theft are penalized equally.
D. All children are provided free education in similar schools.

11 Q.

1 (1) In the context of science, according to the passage, the interaction of dogmatic beliefs and critical attitude can be best described as :

A. A duel between two warriors in which one has die.
B. The effect of a chisel on a marble stone while making a sculpture.
C. The feeddtock(natural gas) in fertilizer industry being transformed into fertilizers.
D. A predator killing its prey.

Section - III
Section - III has 25 questions.
12 Q. A group of 630 children is arranged in rows for a group photograph session.Each row contains three fewer children than the row in front of it.What number of rows is not possible?

A. 3
B. 6
C. 5
D. 4

13 Q. The Sum of the four Consecutive two -digit odd number , when divided by 10 ,become a perfect square . which of the following can possibly be one of these four number?

A. 21
B. 25
C. 41
D. 67

14 Q. Arun, Barun and Kiranmala start from the same place and travel in the same direction at speeds of 30, 40 and 60 km/hr, respectively. Barun starts two hours after Arun. If Barun and Kiranmala overtake Arun at the same instant, how many hours after Arun did Kiranmala start ?

A. 3
B. 3.5
C. 4
D. 4.5

15 Q. The length, breadth and hieght of a room are in the ratio 3:2:1. If the breadth and height are havled while the lenght is doubled, then the total area of the four walls of the room will:

A. remain the same
B. decrease by 30%
C. decrease by 15%
D. decrease by 18.75%

16 Q.

Consider a sequence where the nth term, tn = n/(n + 2), n= 1,2 , ....... . The value of t3*t4*t5*.........*t53 equals :

A. 2/495
B. 2/477
C. 12/55
D. 1/1485

17 Q. Consider the set S = {1,2,3,.....,1000}. How many arithmatic progressions can be formed from the elements of S that start with 1 and end with 1000 and have at least 3 elements ?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 6
D. 7

18 Q. the sum of four consecutive two-digit odd numbers when divided by 10 ,becomes a perfect square.which of the following can possible be one of these four numbers?

A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8

19 Q. There are 6 task and 6 persons. Task 1 cannot be assigned either to person 1 or to person 2; task 2 must be assigned to either person 3 or to person 4. Every person is to be assigned one task. In how many ways can the assignment be done ?

A. 144
B. 180
C. 192
D. 360

20 Q. A survey was conducted of 100 people to find out whether they had read recent issues of golmal, a monthly magazine. The summarized information regarding readership in 3 months is given below:
Only September :18; September but not August :23; September and July :8; September :28; July :48; July and August :10; None of the three months :24
What is the number of surveyed people who have read excatly two consecutive issues(out of the three)?

A. 7
B. 9
C. 12
D. 14

21 Q. When you reverse the digits of the number 13,the number increases by 18. How many other two digit numbers increase by 18 when their digits are reversed ?

A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 10

22 Q. The number of solutions of the equation 2x + y= 40, where both x and y are positive integers and x ≤ y is :

A. 7
B. 13
C. 14
D. 18

23 Q. What values of x satisfy x2/3 + x1/3 -2 ≤ 0 ?

A. -8 ≤ x ≤ 1
B. -1 ≤ x ≤ 8
C. 1 < x < 8
D. 1 ≤ x ≤ 8

24 Q. Which among 21/2, 31/3, 41/4, 61/6 and 121/12 is the largest ?

A. 21/2
B. 31/3
C. 41/4
D. 61/6

Affiliated Colleges


S.No. College Name Courses
1 Hislop College,Civil line Nagpur. B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment
B.Sc. :- Hindi, Marathi,Sanskrit,Statistics Physics,Computer Science,Industrial Chemestry,Sup. English, Physics, Chemestry, Maths, Electronics, Botany, Zooloby, , Biochemestry, Biotechnology.
B.A.:-Marathi, English,Hindi, Sociology,Sanskrit,Supplementary English,Commuunicative English, (Marath & HIndi Medium),Psychology,Philosopy,Economics, Political Sci. , History, Home Economics, English Litt., Marathi Litt.
M. Sc. ( 2Year) :-Chemistry, Botny, Biotechnology, Biochemistry,Zoology.
M.A.( 2 Year) ,psycology, Hindi, Economics , English,
M. Com(2 Year):-
M.C.M.(2 Year):-
B. Com (Computer Application)
2 C.P & Berar College, Tulsibagh Road Mahal, nagpur B.A:-Compulsory (English,Marathi,Sanskrit,Hindi),Eco.,Pol.Sci.,Psy.,Soc.,English Litt.,Marathi Litt., Hindi Litt,. Sanskrit Litt.,
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I or PPI.(vocational),I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment. Concept and organization Behaviour(MCB),Advance Cost Accounting,Business Envirnoment,Advance Management Accounting
M.A.:-Sociology,Economics,English,Hindi, Marathi, Political Science,M.I.P. thought, Ind.,International Law.,T.&P.Deplomacy.
B.Com. With Business Finance(Optional Sdubject).
B.Com. Computer Application (B.C.A.)
Bachelor Of Business Administration (B.B.A.)
M.Com (General).:-Master of Computer Managament,P.G.D.C.C.A. Maaster OF Business Management(Y.C.M.O.U.Nasik) year) Proffesional
M.Phil (Economics, Marathi,Commerce)
3 Shri. Binzani City College,Umred road, Nagpur B.A:-Compulsory (English,Marathi,Sanskrit,Hindi),Eco.,Pol.Sci.,Psy.,Soc.,His.,Phi.,English Litt.,Marathi Litt., Hindi Litt,. Sanskrit Litt.,
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I or PPI.(vocational),I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment,CLSP.,ME.,CM/Ac,Adv&Sm.,PPI,AI Tox,BL.,BCM.,ISM. or PPI(VOC).
M.A.:-(Pol.Sci.)-M.I.P. Thought, C.Pol.,Western pol.Theary,Indian Gov.&Pol.,Research math.,Stats. Pol.In India.,International Law,T.&P. Deplomacy.
BCA.:-English & Business Communication,PBA.,BEBE.,FA.,INFN.,Tech.,CMA.,SQT.,SDM.,IEC.,DBMS.,FED.,Busness Law.,T.A.,SPPPM.,P.S.C.A.,Project.
M. Com (Computer Application)
4 Shri. Vrajlal Maniklal Vasant Commerce, Jaydev Shankar Manishankar Thakar Arts & Jashbhai Jijibhai Patel Science College, Wardhman Nagar , Nagpur B.A.( 3 Years) Compulsory English, Compulsory Marathi, Compulsory Hindi,Gujrati,Marathi Litt. Hindi Litt., Gujrati Litt., Economics , Histroy, Political Science, Home Economics
B.COM Compulsory English, Compulsory Marathi, Compulsory Hindi,Gujrati, Economics, Commerce, Business Administration & Business Management, Cost Accounts, Business Communication, Business Mathematics & Statistics, Company Law, M. Law, HRD,Auditing. Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment
B. Sc.(3Years) Compulsory English, Compulsory Marathi, Hindi, Gujrati,Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics
B.Com(Computer Application)
B. Sc.(Computer Science)
M.C.M.(2 Year):-
M. Com(2 Year):-
5 Annasaheb Gundewar College Nagpur, Katol Road B.Com I,II,III :- Compulsory English, Marathi, Supplementary English, Economics, Financial Accounting, Business Procedure and Practice, Business Management and Accounting, Office Management and Administration, Business Mathematics ans Statics, Management Accounting, Auditing, Indian Mercantile Law, HumanManagement Resources, Taxation and Accounting.
B.Com:-Poli (Optional Subject
B.A. (3Year) Marathi, Marathi Lit., English Litt. Economics, Poltical Scn. Sociology, History,
M.A. (2Year) Marathi, English, Economics, Sociology, History, Political Sci.
M. Com (2Year)
B. Com (Computer Application)
6 Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Managment Studies & Reserch, Dikshabhoomi, Nagpur M.B.A.
M.C.M.(2 Year):-
P.G.D.C.C.A. (1 Year)
B.Com (Computer Application)
7 Hajrat Baba Tajuddin Arts Commerce College, New Subhedar Lay-out, Nagpur B.A. (3Year) English, Marathi, Urdu, Sociology, Political, Economics, History
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment
8 P.M.B.S. Arts, Commerce & Computer Science College, Dighori, Umred road, Nagpur B.A. (3Years) marathi, English, Economics, History
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment
B.C.S. (3years)
9 Shri Chakrapani Kala Mahavidyalay, Hudkeshwar Road, Nagpur B.A. (3 years) Marathi, English, Sociology, Political, History Science,Geography, Marathi Litt.
10 Bhivgade National College, Shanti Nagar, Nagpur B.A. (3 years) English, Hindi, Marathi, Suplimentory English, Sociology, Economics, Political Sci., History, Geography, Philosophy, English Litt., Marathi Litt. Hindi Litt.
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment
B.Sc. (3 years) Hindi, English, Marathi, Suplimentory English, Physics, Chemestry, Maths, Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Geology, Electronics, Computer Sci., Boichemestry
11 L.A.D. College, Shankarnagar, nagpur B.A. (3 Years) English Com, Anyone Marathi, Hindi, Sanskrit, Sup. English, Urdu, History, Sociology, Psychology, Home Eco. Political Sci, Geography, Music, Economics, Philosophy
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Sanskrit, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment
B.Sc. (3Years) Compulsory English, Marathi Anyone Hindi, Urdu, Sup. English, Sanskrit, chemestry, Botany, Zoology, maths, Physics, Electronics, Microbiology, Biochemestry
B.Sc. Home Sci. :- English,Physics,Chemistry, Household Biology, Food & Nutrition, Human Development, Textile & Clothing, Family Resourse & Management, Home Science Extention Education, Applied Physiology, Applied Biology.
B.Tech Home Sci. 4 Specilisation - Applied Electronics, House & Interior Design, Costmatic Technology, Bachlor of Interior Design, H.M.C.T.
B.Sc. Biotechnology
M.A. Political Sci. & home Economics (2Years)
M.Sc. Home Sci. - Human Devlopment, Home Sci. Extn.
M. Tech. Cosmatic Technology, Hospitality Management,
M.Arch.(Architechture Education)20 Student
M.Sc. Biotechnology
12 Shri Niketan Kala Vanijya Mahavidyalay, Tulsibagh Road, Mahal, Nagpur B.A. (3 years) English, marathi, Hindi, Urdu, Political Sci., History, Economics, Sociology, Home Economics, Marathi Litt., English Litt. Urdu Litt., Arabic Litt.Principal of Managenent,Business Economics,Foundation of Human SkillsAnd Culture Heritage,Finance & Cost Accounting, Computer Application For Business,Effective Cummunication,Principal Of Marketing Management,Human Resources ,Production & Material Management,Business & Industrial laws.Envirnoment management,Entrepreneurship Development.Service Sector .Management,Elective, Project Work.
B.C.A.:-English & Business Communication,Principles of Business Management,Basic Economics&Business Environment,Financial Accounts,Information Systems,Information Technology,Cost of Management Accounts,Statistics &Quantitative Techniques,Software Developement Methodology,Database Management System,Internet & Electronic Commerce,Front End Developement,Business Law,Taxation andAuditing,Software Product And Project Management.Programming Skills,Computerised Accounting,Project.
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Management,Company Law &Secretarial Practice,Money Economics,Cost And Management Acount,Financial Account And Auditing Income Tax ,Business Law, Business Communication & Management,Indian Economics,Business Finance,Industrial Relation And Labour Laws,Industrial And Services Marketing,-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment
13 Santaji Mahavidyalay, Javaharlal Neharu marg, Nagpur B.A. (3Years) Marathi, English, Sociology, Economics, Political Sci. , History, Home Economics, English Litt., Marathi Litt.
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment
B.Com (Computer Application)
B.C.S. (3years)
B.Sc (3 Years) English, Sup. English, Marathi, Hindi, Chemistory, physics, Mathamatics, Botany, Zoology, Computer Sci., Envormental Sci. , Electronics, Microwbiology, Biotechnology
M.A. Marathi
M.C.M.(2 Year):-
P.G.D.C.C.A. (1 Year)
14 Smt. Kausalyadevi Maheshwari Mahila Mahavidyalay, 85C, Hiwari Lay-out, Nagpur B.A. (3 years) Comp. English, Sup. English, English Litt., Hindi Litt, Economics, Sociology, Home Economics, Political Sci, Fashion Desing,
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment
B.Com (Computer Application)
15 Manoharrao Kamdi Mahavidyalay, Chitnavispura, Nagpur B.A. (3 years) English, Marathi, Sociology, Economics, Political Sci. History, Geography
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment
B.Com (Computer Application)
16 Sheeladevi Arts Commerce & Sci. College, Wadi, Amravati Road, Nagpur B.A. (3 years) English, Marathi, Sociology, Economics, Political Sci. History, Geography, Englis Litt., Marathi Litt., Hindi Litt., Home Economics, Public Administration.
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment
B.C.S :- English Marathi, English, Computer Sci., Electronics,Micro Bilogy,Botny,Maths &Statistic;Eng,S/C
17 Shri Dyaneshwar mahila Mahavidyalay, Pragati Nagar, Near Bhagvan nagar, Nagpur B.A.:- English, Marathi, Economics, Sociology, Political Sci.
18 G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering, CRPF Gate No.3, Hingna Road, Digdoh Hills, Nagpur B.E. :- Machanical Engg., Computer Sci. Engg., IT Engg., Electrical Engg., Electronics Engg., Civil Engg., Electronics & Telecommunication Engg.
M.Tech :- Heat Power Engg., Integrated Power System, Electronics Engg., Computer Sci. Engg., CAD CAM, VLSI, Electrical(VLSI),Mechanical(CAD/CAM)
M.E. :- Embedded System, Wirless Communication
19 Nagpur Sharirik Shikshan Mahavidyalay, Nagpur B.P. Ed.
M.P. Ed.
20 Orange City College of Socialwork, 49 Dhanwantari nagar, Umred Road, Nagpur B.S.W
21 Government Chitrakala Mahavidyalay, Laxmi Nagar, Nagpur B.F.A. (Applied Art, Painting)
22 Reginal Labour Institute, Old Mores College Buliding, Sitabuldi Nagpur M.L.S.
23 Ramdeo Baba, Kamla Neharu College of Engineering, Katol Road, Nagpur B.E. :- Civil, Industrial, Electrical, mining, Electronics, Electronics Desinge Technology, IT, Electroonics & Telecommunication, Computer Sci.
M.Tech :- Geotechnical Engg., Industrial Engg., VLSI/DSP/SW,Structural Engineering.
24 Kumbhalkar College of Socialwork (Ev.) Ganeshpeth, Nagpur B.S.W
25 Jupiter College of Physical Education, Sawarkar nagar, Khamla Road, nagpur B.P.E
26 Avtar Meharbaba Mahavidyalay, Manewada, Besa Road, Nagpur B.B.A.
B.Com. Computer Application
27 Shri Niketan College of Physical Education, N126, Reshimbagh, Nagpur B.P.E.
28 Radhika Adhyapak Mahavidyalay, Rajivnagar, Somalwada, Wardha road, Nagpur B.Ed.
29 Nikalas Mahila Mahavidyalay, Ranapratap nagar Road, khamla Nagpur B Tech Home Sci.:- Cosmetic Technology, Bachlor of Interior Desinge, Bhachlor of Fashion Desinge, Bachlor of Printing Desinge.
M. Tech Cosmetic Technology
30 Central Institute of Business management, Research & Devlopment, Pawan bhoomi, Somalwada, Nagpur M.B.A.
B. Com (Computer Application)
31 Govindrao Wanjari Law College, Sakkardhara Chowk Nagpur L.L.B. ( 3 & 5 Years)
32 Adhyapak Mahavidyalay, Plot No.843 B, near Shyamdham Mandir, nandanwan Nagpur B.Ed.
33 Rajkumar Kewalramani Kanya Mahavidyalay, Jaripatka, Nagpur B.A.:- Hindi, English, Hindi Litt, Sociology, Home economics, Fashion Desinge, Political Sci, English Litt., Economics,
34 Anjuman Girls Digree College of Arts, Sadar Nagpur B.A. :- English, Hindi, Urdu, Com.English Litt., Urdu Litt., Hindi Litt., Parshian Litt.,History,Home Economics,Sociology.Poltical Science
35 Kosh Mahavidyalay, Sakkardhara Chowk, Nagpur B. .Tech in Home Sci., Bachlor of fashion desinge, Bachlor of Textile Desinge, Bachlor of Interior Desinge,
36 Priyadarshani College of Engineering, Hingna road Nagpur B.E. :- Machanical Engg., Electronics, Computer Technology, Electronics & telecommunication Engg., Electrical Engg., IT Engg. Architecture
M. Tech (machanical Engg. Desinge, Industrial Drivs & Control, VLSI) Electrical(Industrial Drives and Control)18 Student.
37 G.H. Raisoni College of Commerce, Sci., & Technology, Shraddha house 345, kingsway Nagpur B.B.A.
B.COM. Computer Application
M. Sc (Computer Sci.)
38 yashwantrao Gudadhe (Patil) Memorial College, Jaitala, Hingna road, nagpur B.A. :- Marathi, English, Economics, Political Sci. History, Marathi Litt., English Litt, Sociology,
B.C.S :- English Marathi, Sup. English, Computer Sci., Electronics, Analotic Computation, Computer Hardware, Computer Method
B.Com (Computer Application)
39 Lokmanya Tilak Institute of management studies & Research, Laxminagar, Nagpur M.B.A.
40 National Fire Service College, Civil line Nagpur B.E.:- Fire Engg.
41 Dr. Ambedkar College, Dikshabhoomi, Nagpur B.A.:- Ambedkar Thought
M.A.:- English, Economics, Marathi,
M.Sc.:- Chemestory, Computer Sci.
L.L.B. ( 3 & 5 Years)
B.Sc. (Computer Sci., Biotechnology) Electronics
42 G.H. Raisoni International Academy for Creative Theaching, Hingna road Digdhoh hills, Nagpur B.Ed.
43 Sevadal mahila Mahavidyalay, Sakkardara Chowk, Umred road, Nagpur B.Sc. :- Boi Chemestry, Boi Technology, Computer Sci., mathamatics, Physics,
M.Sc.:- Zoology, Environmental Sci., Chemistry
B.A. :- English Litt., Ecconomics, History, Geography, Psychology,
44 G.H. Raisoni College of Commerce , Shradhha House, 345, Kingsway Nagpur B.Com (Computer Application)
45 Shri K.R. Pandav Mahavidyalay, Nandanvan, Nagpur B.Lib
M. Lib
B.Tech Home Sci.
B.Com (computer Application)
46 Indira Gandhi College of physical Education, 85, Hanuman Nagar, nagpur B.P.E.
47 Arun Joshi College of Education, Hanuman nagar, Nagpur B.Ed.
48 N.Y.S.S. Institute of management & research, Atre lay-out, nagpur M.B.A.
49 Late. Vasantrao Naik College of Physical Education, Nandanvan, Trimurti Chowk, Nagpur B.P.E.
50 Shri Vasant B.Ed College, Trimurti chowk, Nandanvan, nagpur B.Ed.
51 Nagaji Maharaj College of physical Education, Great Nag road Nagpur B.P.E.
52 Kamala Neharu Mahavidyalay, Sakkardara Chowk, Nagpur B.A.:- English, Marathi, Economics, Sociology, Political Sci., History, Home Eco., Marathi Litt., English Litt.,
M.A.:- English, Economics, Marathi, History, Sociology, Political Sci.,
B. Lib
M. Lib
B.Com I :- Compulsory English, Marathi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounting, Principles of Economics, Business Procedure & Practice, Business Management and Administration, Optional Paper Group- H Only. B.Com II :- English, Marathi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounting, Monetary Economics, Office Management & Administration, Business Mathematics & Statics, Optional Paper Group- H Only. B.Com III :-Auditing, Mercantile & Industry Law, Economics Planning Development in India. Accounting, Management of Human Resourses,Optional Paper Group- H Only.
B.Com (Computer Application)
M. Sc (Computer Sci., Electronics, Chemestry, Physics, Botany, Biotechnology, Biochemestry, Microbiology, Maths, Zoology, Environmental Sci.)
B.Tech Cosmetic
M.Tech Cosmetic
Post B.Sc D.C.S.& A.
53 Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalay, Hanuman Nagar, Nagpur B.A.M.S.
Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalay, Hanuman Nagar, Nagpur M.D. (Aayurved)
54 Matru Sevasangh Intitute Of Social Work, Bajajnagar, Nagpur C.S.W.
M. Phill (SocialWork)
55 Sharad Pawar College Of Pharmacy, Wandongri, Hingna Road, Nagpur, B. Pharm
M. Pharm (Quality Asurance, Pharmacitical Chemestry)
56 St. Fransis De Selis, Seminary hills, nagpur B.A. (Sociology, Communicative English)
B.Sc. (Computer Sci.)
M Sc. (Chemestry, Biotechnology)
57 Umme Salama Grils College of Sci. & Arts, Rashidnagar, Lalsaheb Road, Nagpur B.Sc. :- English, Hindi, Urdu, Marathi, Physics, Chemestry, Zoology, Maths, Botany, Biochemestry,
B.A. :- Emglish, Urdu, Arabic Litt. Urdu litt, History, Sociology, Hindi, English Litt., Political Sci.
59 G.H. Raisoni Law School, Hingna road, Nagpur L.L.B. ( 3 & 5 Years)
60 Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh College Of Atrs & Commerce (Evn.), CottanMarket, Nagpur B.A. :- English, Marathi, Economics, Political Sci. Sociology, History, Marathi Litt. English Litt.,
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment
M. Com.
61 G.H. Raisoni Institute of Information Technology, Hingna Road, Digdoh, Nagpur M.C.A.
M.Sc. (Microbiology)
M.Sc. (Biotechnology)
P.G.D.C.S.& A.
B.Sc. (Biotechnology, Microbiology):-Biotecchnology,Priochemistry.Microbiology,Chemistry, Engligh,suppi. English
M. Sc. (Computer Sci.)
62 Yashwantrao Chavhan College of Engineering, Hingna Road, Nagpur B.E.(Regural) :- Civil, Electronics, Computer Technology, Electrical, Mechanical, IT, Electronics & Telecommunication
B.E. (Part Time) :- Civil, Electronics, Mechanical, Computer, Electronnics & Power,
M. Tech. :- Structural, Production, Electronics, CAD/CAM, IPS
63 College of LAW for Women, Deonagar, Khamla Road, Nagpur. L.L.B. ( 5 Years)
64 Ramesh Dhawad Sharirik Shikshan Mahadyalay, Rajiv Nagar, Wardha Road Nagpur B.P.E.
65 Dhanwate National College, Congress Nagar, Nagpur B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment
M.C.M. (1 Additional Section)
B.Com. Computer Application (1 Additional Section)
B.A. :- English, Marathi, Economics, Political Sci. Geopgraphy,Sociology, History, Marathi Litt. English Litt., Philosophy, Sanskrit, Sanskrit Litt.
M. Com.
M.A. :- Economics, Geography, Sociology, Marathi, English,
B.Com (Computer Application)
B. Lib
M. Lib
M. Phill (Commerce)
66 Renuka mahavidyalay, Lavkush nagar, Manedawada, Nagpur B.A. :- English, Marathi, English Litt., Marathi Litt., Economics, Sociology, Political Sci., History, Geography, Philosophy.
67 Center Point College , Nawab Lay-out, Tilaknagar, Nagpur B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment
B. Com (Computer Application)
M. Com.
M. Com (Proffesional)
68 Tuli College of Hotel Management, Near Koradi Naka, Bokhara Road, Nagpur H.M.C.T.
M. Tech (Hospitality Management)
69 Purshottam Thote College of Social Work, Ganesh Nagar, Nanadanvan, Nagpur B.S.W.
70 Yashoda Grils Atrs & Commerce College, Wardha road, Sneha Nagar, nagpur B.A. :- English, Marathi, Pali, Urdu, Sociology, Political Sci, History, Economics, Home Economics, Marathi, Litt., Pali Litt, Urdu Litt., Arabic Litt.
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment
71 G.S. College of Commerce & Economics, Amravati Road, Nagpur B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment
M. Phill (Commerce)
72 Tirpude College of Social Work, Civil line, Sadar, Nagpur B.S.W.
73 Smt. Radhikatai Pandav College Of Engineering, Umred Road, Nagpur B.E :- Mechanical., Electrical & Electronics Engg.Telecommunication, Electronics, IT, Computer,
74 Ramaji Pandav Master of Computer Management College, Trimurti Chowk, Nandanvan, Nagpur M.C.M.
B. Sc (Computer Sci., Biotechnology) Computer Application:-
M. Sc. (Biotechnology)
75 Jyotiba Phule College of Education, Pawan bhoomi Wardha Road, nagpur B. Ed.
76 Bapurao Deshmukh College Of physical Education, Wanadongari, Hingna Raod, Nagpur B.P.E.
B.P. Ed.
77 Anjuman College of Engineering, Sadar, nagpur B.E. :- Computer Sci, Electronics & Power, Electronics & Telecommunication, Mechanical
78 Mahila Mahavidyalay , 152, Nandanvan, Nagpur B.A. :- Englis, Marathi, Political Sci, Economics, Marathi Litt., Sociology, Home Economics, English Litt., Public Administration, History
M.A. :- Economics,Political Sci, Marathi, English, Home Economics.
B. Tech (Cosmetic Technology)
79 Karmaveer Dadasaheb Kannamwar College of Engineering, Nanadanvan, Nagpur B.E. :- Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Computer Technology, Electronics, IT
80 Institue of Science, Nagpur B.Sc. (Envormental Sci. & Electronnics, Computer Sci.,
M. Sc. (Envormental Sci.)
81 National Power Training Institute, Gopal Nagar, Nagpur B.E. (Power)
82 CAPS College of Commerce & Management Studies, Central Bazar Road, Ramdaspeth, Nagpur B.B.A.
B. Com (Computer Application)
83 Dadasaheb Balpande College of Pharmacy, Near Swami Samarthdham Mandir, Pipla, Hudkeshwar, Nagpur B. Pharm
84 P.W.S. Arts & Commerce College, Kamptee Road, Nagpur B. A. :- English, Marathi, Hindi, Sociology, History, Political Sci., Pali, Economics
M.A. (Sociology, Economics, Ambedkar Thought, Poliltical Sci., History, Marathi, Hindi, English, Pali,
M. Phill (Commerce)
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment
85 Rajkumari Agrejaraje Bhosale Mahila Adhyapak Mahavidyalay, Plot No. 310 D, New Nandanwan Nagpur B.Ed.
86 Priyadashini College of Education, 156, Manish Lay-out Sonegoan, Nagpur B.Ed.
87 Shantiniketan Mahila Adhyapak Mahavidyalay, Kamptee Road, Nagpur B.Ed.
88 Dayanand Aarya kanya Mahavidyalay, Jaripatka Nagpur B.A :- Compulsory English, Compulsory Hindi, Hindi Litt., Political Sci., Sociology, Economics, Home Economics, English Litt., Music, Fashion Desinge,
M.A. :- Hindi Litt., Economics,
I.B.A:-English Litt,(Optional subject)
B.Com :- Compulsory English,Compulsory HIndi, English, Hindi,Monetary Economics, office Administration and Management, Financial Account, Principles of Economics, Business Management and Administration, Business Mathematics of Human Rsources,Management of Human Resources, Auditing Mercantile & Indian Law. Optional Paper :- Cost Account, Management Account, Taxation Account.
89 Shri Balasaheb Tirpude College of Hotel management & Catering Technology, Sadar, Nagpur H.M.C.T.
M. Tech (Hospitality Management)
90 Arts & Commerce Night College, Chitnavispura, mahal, Nagpur B.A. :- English, Marathi, Geography, Sociology, Political Sci., History, Economics,
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment
91 Central India College of Commerce & Information Technology, 28, Abbab colony chowk, Police line takli, Nagpur B.B.A.
B.Com. (Computer Application)
92 Prerna College of Commerce, Reshimbagh chowk, Nagpur B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment
B. Com (Computer Application)
93 Shri Nashikrao Tirpude College of Physical Education, Civil line, Sadar, Nagpur B.P.E.
B.P. Ed.
M. P. Ed.
94 Chirayu K. C. Bajaj College of Education, Jaripatka, Nagpur B.Ed.
95 saint B. Pharm
M. Pharm (Pharmacitical Chemestry, P.Congnosy)
96 Jawaharlal Neharu Atrs Commerce & Science College, Wadi, Nagpur B.A. :- English, Marathi, Hindi, English Litt., Marathi Litt., Political Sci., Economics, History, Geography, Sociology, Home Economics,
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment
M.Sc:- Maths
B.Sc. :- English, Hindi, Marathi, Physics, Chemestry, Zoology, Maths, Botany, Computer Sci., Micro Biology.Environmental Sci. (Optional Subject)
M.A. :- Econ omics
M. Com.
97 G.H. Raisoni Academic For Creative Teaching, Hingna Raod Digdoh Hills, Nagpur B. Ed. (Marathi Medium)
98 Swami Vivekanand College of Social Work, Tilak Road, mahal, Nagpur B.S.W.
M.C.M. Computer Application:-
99 Joshi College of Library & Information Science, Tilak Road, Nagpur B. Lib
M. Lib
100 N.K.P. Salve Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Center, Digdoh Hills, Nagpur M.B.B.S.
P.G. (Anatomy, Physiology, Microbiology, PSM, Pharmacology
101 Ishwar Deshmukh College of Physical Education, Krida Chowk, Hanumannagar, nagpur B.P. Ed. One Year
B.P.E. Two Year
M. P. Ed. Three Year
102 Jyotiba College of Physical Education, Hingna Road, C.R.P.F. Nagpur B.P. Ed.
M. P. Ed.
103 V.S.P.M. Dental College & Research Center, Digdoh hills, Hingna road, nagpur B.D.S.
104 Central India Institute of Mass communication, Nagpur B.M.C.
105 Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Social Work, 153, Shri Mahalaxminagar, Behind Power Station, Narsala Road, nagpur B.S.W.
106 Atrs & Commerce College Amravti Road, Wadi, Nagpur B.A.:- English, Marathi, History, Economics, Sociology, political Sci.
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment
107 Milenium College , 24 A Garden Lay-out ,Benzonbagh, Nagpur B.A. :- Englis, Marathi, hindi, Sociology, Political Sci., History, Economics
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment
108 Govt.Institute of Science, Nagpur B.SC. :- Physics,Chemestry,Maths,Botany,Zoology, Computer Science,S.Statistion,Electronics, Computer Sci., Envormental Sci.,
M.Sc. :-Physics Chemestry,Maths,Zoology,Botany Envornmental Sci., Electronics,Statistion.
P.H.D.:-All Subject.
109 M.P. Deo Memorial Science College, Near Ambazari Tank, Nagpur B.Sc. :- Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Sanskrit, Supplementary English, Physics, Cemestry, Zoology, Biology, Mathamatics, Statistic, Electronics, Microbiology,
B.Sc. (Home Sci.) :- Compulsory English, Physics, Chemestry, Human Devlopment, House hold Biology, Textile & Clothing, Food & Nutrition, Home Sci. Extention, Family Resource Management, Applied Psychlogy, Biochemestry,
B.Sc. (Computer Sci.)
110 Sanskriti Sawardhan College of Physical Education, Reshimbagh, Nagpur B.P.E.
111 Gurunanak College of Pharmasy, Near Dixit Nagar & kamgar nagar, Behind CP foundary, Kamptee road, Nagpur B. Pharm
112 Arts & Commerce Night College, 310-B, New Nandanwan, Nagpur B.A. :- Marathi, English, Economics, Sociology, Political Sci., History, Marathi Litt.,
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment
113 Womens College of Arts & Commerce, 310-B, New nanadanwan, Nagpur B.A. :- English, Marathi, Sociology, Political Sci., Economics, history,
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment
114 Dr. M.K. Umathe Arts & Shri Ramchandra Mokhare Commerce College, Bhamti Ring road, Nagpur B.A. :- English, marathi, History, Marathi Litt, English Litt., Economics, Political Sci., Sociology, Home Economics,
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment
115 Central India College of Education, Behind Godhani Railway station, Nagpur B.Ed.:-
116 Central India College of Law, Godhani, Nagpur L.L.B. (3 & 5 years)
117 Indira Bai College of Library & Information Science, Rajiv Nagar, Somalwada, Wardha road, Nagpur B. Lib
M. Lib
118 Padmashri Ajit Wadekar College of Physical Education, Ramnagar, Nagpur B.P.E.
119 Arts Commerce & Science College, Abab Colony, Police line Takali, Nagpur B.A.
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment
120 Prajasttak College of Education, Pardi Chowk, Nagpur B.Ed.
121 Sheeladevi College of Education, Wadi, Nagpur B.Ed.
122 Chakrapani Mahavidyalay, 28, Central Railway Colony, Omkarnagar, Bhagwan Nagar, Nagpur Home Sci. :- Bach. Of Interior Desinge, Bachlor of Cosmetic Technology
123 Mukesh Gupta College of Home Science Technology, Civil lines, Nagpur Home Sci. :- Bach. Of Interior Desinge, Bachlor of Cosmetic Technology, Fashion Desinge
124 Shri Bhaiyaji Pandharipande National Institute of Social Work, Hanuman nagar, Nagpur B.S.W.
125 Radha Mahavidyalay, Great Nag road, Reshimbagh chowk, Nagpur C. Lib
B. Lib
M. Lib
B.Com (Computer Application)
B.Sc. (Computer Sci.)
126 Tirpude Institute of Management Education, Civillines, Nagpur B.B.A.
127 Sindhu Mahavidyalay, Panchpaoli, Nagpur B.Sc. :- Hindi, Marathi, Sup. English, Physics, Chemestry, Maths, Electronics, Botany, Zooloby, Microbiology, Biochemestry, Biotechnology
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment Computer Application:-
128 Science College, Congress Nagar, nagpur B.Sc. :- English, Marathi, Physics, Chemestry, Botany, Zoology, Maths, Statistic, Microbiology, Electronics, Geology, Computer Sci., Geo. Exp.,
P.G.D.C.S.& A.
M.Sc. (Computer Sci.)
129 Government Dental College, Nagpur B.D.S.
130 V.S.P.M. College of Physiotherapy, Digdhoh Hills, Hingna Road, Nagpur M.P.T.H.
131 Indira Gandhi Government Medical College, Nagpur M.B.B.S.
132 Nagpur College of Homeopathy & Hospital, Ajamshah Lay-out, Great Nag Road, Nagpur B.H.M.S.
133 Suyash College of Education, Vaibhav nagar, Narsala Road , Dighori, Nagpur B.Ed.
134 St. Vincent Pallotti College of Engineering & Technology, Gavasi Manapur, Wardha Road, Nagpur B.E. :- Electronics & Telecommunication, Mechanical Engg., Computer Engg., Electrical Engg.Information Technology
135 Vishvesveraya Regional College of Engineering, Nagpur B.E :- Electrical Engineering (Electronics & Power) Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering,Mining Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Computer Science Engg., Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, B,Arch:- Architecture, M.Tech :-Integrated Power System, Industrial Engg., Ferro-Alloy Tech. And Steel Making, Electronics, Environmental Engg, Structural Engg,Urban Engg, Structural Engg (PT), Hydraulics Engg (PT), Prtoduction Engg (PT), Design of Machines And Mechanism (PT) , Heat Power Management (PT), Industrial Management (PT).M.E By REsearch And Ph.D Programs of Enginerring, Basic Sciences and Social Science Departments.
136 Sai Baba Mahavidyalaya Onkar Nagar ,Nagpur B.A :- Compulsory English, Compulsory Marathi, tt., Political Sci., Sociology, Economics,
B.Com :- Compulsory English,Compulsory Marathi, English, Marathi, Account & Statistics, Economics, Business Administration and Management, Financial Accounting, Basic computer and Stastical Technique, Principles of Business Management, Business economics and Marketing Management.
137 Vasantrao Naik Govt. Institute of Arts and Social Sciences, Nagpur B.A.:- English, Marathi, Hindi, Urdu, Sanskrit, Persian, Pali, Arabic, Spuu. English, History Philosophy, Political Science, Psycology, Sociology Music Home Economics, Ancient Indian History and culture, English Literature, Arabic Literature, Pali Literature, Persian Literature. (Medium Marathi and Hindi).
M.A Arts :-English, Marathji, Urdu, Arabic, Persian, Sanskrit, Music.
M.A So.Science :-History, olitical Science, Home Economics, Economics, Geography,Philosophy, (Medium Marathi)
B.S.C. (1 Additional section)
B.Com.Computer application(1 Additional section
B.A.-Public Administration (optional subject
B.A.-I(English medium) (1 Additional section
138 Shri. Mathuradas Mohata Science College,Nagpur B.Sc:-_Computer Science.(optional subject)
M.Sc:- Chemistry
139 Sewadal Mahaila M.V.,Nagpur M.Sc:-Chemistry,Botany
140 Priyadarshini College of Education.Nagpur. M.E.D.:-
141 Arunrao Kalode M.V. Nagpur B.B.A:-
B.Com.Computer application
142 R.S. Mundle Dharampeth Art & Comm. College Nagpur. B.B.A.:-
B.Com.:-Computer Application
143 kalasagar Chitrakala M.V.,Nagpur. (Maharashtra Art Education Society,Nagpur)
144 Geeta shikshan M.V.,Nagpur. Geeta Shikshan Prasaral Mandal, Nagpur. B.Ed
145 Bhartiya shikshan M.V.Nagpur. (Gopal Education Society Nagpur). B.Ed.
146 Late.Madhuribai Deshmukh Sewa Pratisthan B.Ed.College,Nagpur (Late.Madhuribai Deshmukh Sewa Pratisthan Nagpur. B.Ed.
147 Arts,Comm.AndScience College,Koradi B.C.S.